Software Shelf Print Manager Plus 2008 v7.0.130.43 英文正式版(網路列印管理)
Serial....: DVCE8-8H45U-C65VA-8HV3D
Print Manager Plus是一個完善的列印管理解決方案,允許你限額和跟蹤使用者和
Print Manager Plus 允許你集中跟蹤和管理處於 Windows NT網路中的所有列印活
Print Manager Plus is a perfect assessment utility
for any sales or support consultant handling printer
hardware and peripherals. Using Print Manager Plus at
a customer site to achieve complete knowledge of their
printing enterprise gives you an edge on your competition.
The complete and detailed data Print Manager Plus
provides will impress any potential customer and lead to
an immediate sale and a long lasting relationship.
This version is licensed as a traveling install, allowing
a consultant to monitor a customer?s printing for up to 90
days. Monitor all printing with over 130 detailed premade
reports and Graphs that allow you to see who are printing,
what they are printing, and the cost of that printing. The
product will keep track of all print job characteristics
such as; Date/Time Printed, User, Document Title, Pages,
Copies, Duplex, Nup, Bandwidth, and the cost of the print
job. Large Format printing is tracked by Inches and Centimeters.
Also track this information by Users, User Groups,
Organizational Units, and Printers. If the customers printing
environment is a network using Active Directory, or just a
simple WorkGroup setup Print Manager Plus tracks it all. The
efficiency and speed of the product is transparent to the user.
Software Shelf is proud to offer the best technology on the market
today and is proud to say we track any printer, and printer
language from desktop inkjets, network LaserJet?s, Multifunctional
devices to Large Format Printers.
The product can track any Operating System and uses Windows Server
or Workstation to run from. Once the product is installed it changes
nothing in Windows and its Ease of Use has made it the #1 Print
Management software on the market today.
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